SmoothCor 11 is intended for semi automatic and automatic welding of mild and galvanised steels in single pass and limited multiple pass applications. The wire has been designed for those applications where the use of shielding gas is inappropriate and where impact toughness is not of prime concern. SmoothCor 11 operates on DC electrode negative and welds with a very smooth running, spray type transfer which minimises burn-through and facilitates welding joints with gaps or poor fit up. Spatter is exceptionally low and together with the very wide operating window, good feedability and easy arc starting characteristics assures excellent operator appeal. SmoothCor 11 is well suited for butt, lap and fillet welds on mild and galvanised steels from 1.5mm through to 12mm. The versatility of SmoothCor 11 makes it an excellent selection for assembly and maintenance welding in all positions.
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