Parts Washers

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    Smartwash Mobile SW23 Start Up Kit

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    SW-23 Mobile Parts/Brake Washer is perfect for automotive shops and industrial maintenance facilities. Designed with engineers for the way you work, the SmartWasher SW-23 features include a dolly with a footstep making it easy to move around, an...

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    Smartwash Heavy Weight SW37 Start Up Kit

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    SW-37 Mobile Heavyweight Parts Washer is tough enough for the big jobs. It has an enormous load capacity, moves easily through the workshop area on a mobile dolly or can stay in one place with locking casters and provides a large, oversized sink to...

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    Smart Washer SW25 Start Up Kit

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    The CRC SmartWasher® Bioremediating Parts Washing System is both self-cleaning and environmentally friendly. The pH neutral cleaner called OzzyJuice is used to effectively clean parts, removing grease and grime while the naturally occurring process of...

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    Toledo Air Pulse Parts Cleaner 20L

    Available on Request

    Portable air pulse parts cleaner to attach to standard workshop airline Lockable lid with latches, side handgrips and a drain plug/stopper Suitable to use with any water based degreasers Air pulse agitates submerged part to loosen dirt and...

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